// (c) Copyright 2006-2007 Adobe Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved. /* @@@BUILDINFO@@@ CreateImageStack.jsx */ // // Prototype classes for creating image stacks. // // on localized builds we pull the $$$/Strings from a .dat file $.localize = true; // Note: this file assumes StackSupport.jsx has been previously evalFile'd. const kUserCanceledError = 8007; const kFilesFromPMLoad = 1233; const kErrTempDiskFull = -25010; // happens when scratch disk is full /************************************************************/ // StackElement class. // // A StackElement is the ES equivalent of "PSPiece", and holds // all the info need to pass the document's metadata to the filter plugin // // Constructor function StackElement( f ) { this.fAlreadyOpen = false; this.fExistingLayer = null; this.fPSDoc = null; this.fViewlessDoc = null; this.fExposure = 0.0; this.fAperture = 0.0; this.fLightroomDocID = null; this.fLightroomOpenParams = null; this.fLightroomSaveParams = null; this.fLightroomBridgeTalkID = null; this.fISOValue = 0; this.fCameraID = "UNKNOWN_CAMERA"; // Check to see if we're passed an existing layer instead of a file. if ((typeof(f) == "object") && (typeof(f.typename) != "undefined") && (f.typename == "ArtLayer")) { this.fName = f.name; this.fFullName = f.name; this.fAlreadyOpen = true; this.fExistingLayer = f; return; } this.file = f; this.fName = decodeURI(f.name); this.fFullName = this.file.path + "/" + this.file.name; // Keep track of documents that were already open, so we don't close them var i; for (i = 0; i < app.documents.length; ++i) { var curName = null; try { // This fails if it's not saved. curName = app.documents[i].fullName; } catch (err) { continue; } if ((this.fFullName) == curName) { // Must also set these here, because silentOpen isn't called. this.setDocParams( app.documents[i] ); this.fAlreadyOpen = true; break; } } } StackElement.prototype.setDocParams = function( srcDoc ) { this.fPSDoc = srcDoc; this.fWidth = this.fPSDoc.width.as("px"); this.fHeight= this.fPSDoc.height.as("px"); } // The standard open insists on a dialog, so we roll our own. StackElement.prototype.silentOpen = function( linearizeCameraRaw, useViewlessDoc ) { const eventOpen = app.charIDToTypeID('Opn '); const keyCamRawReadLinear = app.charIDToTypeID('EmCr'); const kReadLinearRegEntry = "EM_CR_ReadLinearCameraDataEntry"; // Need to set registry Entry EM_CR_ReadLinearCameraDataEntry, key 'EmCr', // to "true" during the open, then set it back to "false" afterwords, // so Camera Raw linearizes luminance parameters and does not auto-correct (or prompt!) for them function setCamRawLinearFlag( flagvalue ) { var crDesc = new ActionDescriptor(); crDesc.putBoolean( keyCamRawReadLinear, flagvalue ); app.putCustomOptions( kReadLinearRegEntry, crDesc, false ); if (! flagvalue) app.eraseCustomOptions( kReadLinearRegEntry ); // Really nuke it } function cleanupCamRawFlags() { setCamRawLinearFlag( false ); setUseCameraRawJPEGPreference( savedCamRawJPEGPreference ) } // Just return it if it's already open if (this.fAlreadyOpen) return this.fPSDoc; // Don't attempt the viewless doc trick if opening from Lightroom (yet) if (this.fLightroomDocID || this.fLightroomOpenParams) useViewlessDoc = false; var status, oldActiveDoc = (app.documents.length > 0) ? app.activeDocument : null; var savedCamRawJPEGPreference = getUseCameraRawJPEGPreference(); var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); desc.putPath( typeNULL, new File( this.file ) ); desc.putBoolean( kpreferXMPFromACRStr, true ); try { if (linearizeCameraRaw) { setCamRawLinearFlag( true ); setUseCameraRawJPEGPreference( false ); } if (this.fLightroomDocID || this.fLightroomOpenParams) { status = photoshop.openFromLightroom( this.file, this.fLightroomOpenParams, this.fLightroomDocID, this.fLightroomBridgeTalkID, this.fLightroomSaveParams, DialogModes.NO ); } else { if (useViewlessDoc) { this.fPSDoc = openViewlessDocument( this.file ); if (this.fPSDoc) { // Basically, if this is anything but a vanilla JPEG // or Camera Raw file, then bail now and open it the // old-fashioned way below. if ((this.fPSDoc.mode != DocumentMode.RGB) || (this.fPSDoc.layerCount != 1) || (! this.fPSDoc.isSimple) || (this.fPSDoc.activeLayer.kind != LayerKind.NORMAL) || (app.activeDocument.bitsPerChannel != this.fPSDoc.bitsPerChannel)) { this.fPSDoc.close(); } else { this.setDocParams( this.fPSDoc ); cleanupCamRawFlags(); return this.fPSDoc; } } } // Viewless didn't work out; do it the old way status = executeAction( eventOpen, desc, DialogModes.NO ); } // On normal open status has a typeNULL key, but if it fails, it's // empty. This seems to be our only clue you've whacked the escape key. if (status.count == 0) throw Error( kUserCanceledError ); } catch (err) { cleanupCamRawFlags(); if (err.number == kErrTempDiskFull) { this.scratchDiskFullAlert(); throw err; } else if (err.number == kUserCanceledError) throw err; return null; } cleanupCamRawFlags(); // Check to see if the open failed (this is the only way??) if ((app.documents.length == 0) || (oldActiveDoc == app.activeDocument)) return null; this.setDocParams( app.activeDocument ); return this.fPSDoc; } // reuse "^0" string as extendScript "%1" string StackElement.prototype.scratchDiskFullAlert = function() { alert(localize("$$$/Err/Mesaba/SpillSuite/DiskFull=There is not enough space on the scratch disk.")); } // Close a StackElement document -unless- it was already open before // the stacking process started. The goal of the script is to leave everything // the way it was before running, so if a window was open (fAlreadyOpen == true) // leave it that way. StackElement.prototype.closeDocIfNotAlreadyOpen = function () { if (this.fPSDoc && (! this.fAlreadyOpen)) { this.fPSDoc.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES); // After a window closes, the FrontDocument (aka app.activeDocument) is // set to NULL until the activate event for the next doc window in the stack is // processed. If windows are not open as tabs, this won't happen until the script // is done, so we explictly process a redraw to force the next Window to be // activated. WaitForPhotoshopRedraw(); if (app.documents.length > 0) { const kFailMax = 4; var failures = 0; var frontDocIsReady = false; while (! frontDocIsReady) { try { app.activeDocument; // If this fails, then the activation event hasn't happened yet. frontDocIsReady = true; } catch (err) { failures++; if (failures > kFailMax) // Avoid infinite loop. throw err; WaitForPhotoshopRedraw(); $.sleep(100); } } } this.fPSDoc = null; } } // Stash the document's XMP data StackElement.prototype.setupXMPData = function () { if (this.fExistingLayer) { // XMP Metadata on layers is....strange. try { this.xmpMetadata = this.fExistingLayer.xmpMetadata.rawData; } catch (err) { this.xmpMetadata = null; } } else { if (this.fPSDoc.xmpMetadata != undefined) this.xmpMetadata = this.fPSDoc.xmpMetadata.rawData; } } StackElement.prototype.setupEXIFDataFromXMP = function() { this.fExposure = getXMPTagFromXML( "ExposureTime", this.xmpMetadata, true ); this.fISOValue = getXMPTagFromXML( "ISOSpeedRatings", this.xmpMetadata, true ); var make = getXMPTagFromXML( "Make", this.xmpMetadata, false ); this.fCameraID = make + '-' + getXMPTagFromXML( "Model", this.xmpMetadata, false ); this.fAperture = getXMPTagFromXML( "ApertureValue", this.xmpMetadata, true ); if (this.fAperture == 0.0) this.fAperture = getXMPTagFromXML( "FNumber", this.xmpMetadata, true ); // Some cheap lenses report bogus aperture values that overlow the math // An Aperture of zero is explictly ignored by Merge to HDR if ((this.fAperture < 0.8) || (this.fAperture > 128.0)) this.fAperture = 0; // Stash the text now, so we have it when the document // is closed in PS and fPSDoc is no longer available this.fString = this.toString(); } // Stash the document's EXIF data, cleaning it up as we go. StackElement.prototype.setupEXIFData = function () { // From ExifTags.h const EXIFTAG_ISOSPEEDRATINGS = 34855; const EXIFTAG_FNUMBER = 33437; const EXIFTAG_APERTUREVALUE = 37378; const EXIFTAG_EXPOSURETIME = 33434; const EXIFTAG_SHUTTERSPEEDVALUE = 37377; const EXIFTAG_MAKE = 271; const EXIFTAG_MODEL = 272; const EXIFTAG_SOFTWARE = 305; // Shutter speeds are given in "convenient" units, but // they should really be powers of 2 (i.e., 1/500 -> 1/512) // On fancy cameras, long times have 1/3 stop intervals, which work // out to 2^((1/3)*i) steps. We've included a few of these that // would be egregiously wrong otherwise. var shutterSrc = [ 1/8000.0, 1/4000.0, 1/2000.0, 1/1000.0, 1/500.0, 1/250.0, 1/125.0, 1/60.0, 1/30.0, 1/15.0, 6.0, 13.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 60.0]; var shutterDst = [ 1/8192.0, 1/4096.0, 1/2048.0, 1/1024.0, 1/512.0, 1/256.0, 1/128.0, 1/64.0, 1/32.0, 1/16.0, 6.3496, 12.6992, 16.0, 20.1587, 25.3984, 32.0, 64.0]; // Likewise, fStops are given in "convenient" units, but are really sqrt(2^i) steps. var srcfStop = [ 1.0, 1.4, 2.0, 2.8, 4.0, 5.6, 8.0, 11.0, 16.0, 22.0, 32.0, 45.0, 64.0 ]; var dstfStop = []; // Set up below as f[i] = sqrt(2^i) function fixValue( x, src, dst ) { var j; for (j in src) if (src[j] == x) return dst[j]; return x; // No match } // Must pass in the exifData as a param, because nested function can't see "this" function parseExifNum( exifKey, regexp, exifTable ) { if (exifKey in exifTable) { var value = eval(exifTable[exifKey].match(regexp)[1]); // Weed out bogus values from certain Nokia camera phones if ((value < 0) || (value < 0.0000001)) return 0; return eval(exifTable[exifKey].match(regexp)[1]); } else return 0; } function exifString( exifKey, exifTable ) { if (exifKey in exifTable) return exifTable[exifKey]; else return ""; } // Skip if no EXIF data if (this.fPSDoc.info.exif[0] != undefined) { var i; for (i in srcfStop) dstfStop[i] = Math.sqrt(Math.pow( 2.0, i )); // Extract the EXIF data into an asssociative array this.exifData = new Array(); var p; for (p in this.fPSDoc.info.exif) this.exifData[this.fPSDoc.info.exif[p][2]] = this.fPSDoc.info.exif[p][1]; // Minolta only supports shutter speed if (typeof(this.exifData[EXIFTAG_EXPOSURETIME]) != "undefined") this.fExposure = fixValue( parseExifNum(EXIFTAG_EXPOSURETIME, /([-\d\/.]+)/, this.exifData), shutterSrc, shutterDst ); else this.fExposure = fixValue( parseExifNum(EXIFTAG_SHUTTERSPEEDVALUE, /([-\d\/.]+)/, this.exifData), shutterSrc, shutterDst ); this.fISOValue = parseExifNum(EXIFTAG_ISOSPEEDRATINGS, /(\d+)/, this.exifData ); this.fCameraID = exifString( EXIFTAG_MAKE, this.exifData ) + "-" + exifString( EXIFTAG_MODEL, this.exifData ); // Aperture is messy. Not all cameras report both, and Photoshop trashes the // aperture value back into an F-Number, even though it's not. if (typeof(this.exifData[EXIFTAG_APERTUREVALUE]) != "undefined") this.fAperture = parseExifNum( EXIFTAG_APERTUREVALUE, /\D*([\d.]+)/, this.exifData); else this.fAperture = fixValue( parseExifNum(EXIFTAG_FNUMBER, /\D*([\d.]+)/, this.exifData), srcfStop, dstfStop ); // Some cheap lenses report bogus aperture values that overlow the math // An Aperture of zero is explictly ignored by Merge to HDR if ((this.fAperture < 0.8) || (this.fAperture > 128.0)) this.fAperture = 0; // This conversion (from F-Number to Aperture) is only needed because Photoshop // insists on doing the inverse (a to f) conversion before it reports the "aperture" if (this.fAperture != 0.0) this.fAperture = Math.log(this.fAperture) / Math.log(Math.sqrt(2)); } // Stash the text now, so we have it when the document // is closed in PS and fPSDoc is no longer available this.fString = this.toString(); } // Add this stackElement as a layer in document "stack" StackElement.prototype.stackLayer = function ( stack ) { function suspendedAction() { if (app.activeDocument.layers.length > 1) app.activeDocument.flatten(); app.activeDocument.activeLayer.duplicate( stack ); } this.setupXMPData(); // Check to see if the document is regular DOM doc, or a viewless one if (typeof(this.fPSDoc.viewlessDocPtr) == "undefined") { this.setupEXIFData(); app.activeDocument = this.fPSDoc; // Keep any flattening out of this history list, so document stays as-is app.activeDocument.suspendHistory( "temp", "suspendedAction()" ); undoLastEvent(); app.activeDocument = stack; app.activeDocument.activeLayer.name = this.fName.replace(".png",""); // On the Mac, the assignment pre-composes the name, so we need to get // back the pre-composed name so they match later on. this.fName = app.activeDocument.activeLayer.name; // save the per layer XMP metadata app.activeDocument.activeLayer.xmpMetadata.rawData = this.xmpMetadata; this.closeDocIfNotAlreadyOpen(); } else // Viewless documents are handled differently { app.activeDocument = stack; this.setupEXIFDataFromXMP(); this.fPSDoc.addToActiveDocument(); } } // Return a string representation of this StackElement StackElement.prototype.toString = function() { var i, result = ''; if (Object.isValid(this.fPSDoc)) { var docValues = { 'fAspectRatio':this.fPSDoc.pixelAspectRatio.toString().match(/[\d.]+/), 'fDepth':(this.fPSDoc.bitsPerChannel == BitsPerChannelType.SIXTEEN) ? 16 : 8 }; for (i in docValues) result += i + '=' + docValues[i] + '\t'; } var exifValues = [ 'fWidth', 'fHeight', 'fExposure', 'fAperture', 'fISOValue', 'fCameraID' ]; for (i in exifValues) result += exifValues[i] + '=' + this[exifValues[i]] + '\t'; result += 'fName' + '=' + encodeURI(this.fName) + '\t'; result += 'fFullName=' + encodeURI(File(this.fFullName).fsName) + '\t'; return result + '\n'; } // // Extend StackElements to know about quad corners // // WARNING: Geometry.jsx must be loaded to use these methods! // StackElement.prototype.getBounds = function() { var i; if (typeof(this.fCorners) == "undefined") return new TRect( 0, 0, this.fWidth, this.fHeight ); return new TRect( this.fCorners ); } StackElement.prototype.setCornersToSize = function() { this.fCorners = [new TPoint(0,0), new TPoint(this.fWidth, 0), new TPoint(this.fWidth, this.fHeight), new TPoint( 0, this.fHeight) ]; } StackElement.prototype.offset = function( delta ) { var i; for (i = 0; i < this.fCorners.length; i++) this.fCorners[i] = this.fCorners[i] + delta; } StackElement.prototype.scale = function( s ) { var i; for (i = 0; i < this.fCorners.length; ++i) this.fCorners[i] *= s; } StackElement.prototype.transform = function() { // Need to make active layer first... (obvious line broken if mulitple layers selected) // app.activeDocument.activeLayer = app.activeDocument.layers[this.fName]; selectOneLayer( app.activeDocument, this.fName ); transformActiveLayer( this.fCorners ); } /************************************************************/ // ImageStackCreator routines // // The ImageStackCreator is a base class for a number of objects (e.g. Photomerge, // Merge to HDR, Load Files into Stack, etc.) creating a document with layers // read from individual files. // Container object function ImageStackCreator( stackName, newDocName, introText ) { this.pluginName = stackName; this.untitledName = newDocName; this.hdrDocNum = 0; this.introText = typeof(introText) == "string" ? introText : null; this.stackElements = null; this.hideAlignment = false; this.gaveWarning = {"32bit": false, "multichannel": false, "rawmod": false, "smartobj": false, "3D":false }; // Hook for dialog setup before the dialog is shown this.customDialogSetup = function( dialog ) {}; // Hook for collecting arguments after "OK" is clicked this.customDialogFunction = function( dialog ) {}; // Hook for passing additional parameters into the plugin this.customPluginArguments = function( desc ) {}; this.stackDoc = null; this.useAlignment = false; this.runningFromBridge = false; this.linearizeCamRawFiles = false; this.stackDepthChanged = false; this.allowLayeredDocument = false; this.useLayeredDocument = false; this.exposureMetadataValid = true; this.outputClonedFromFirstFile = true; this.saveColorProfileType = null; this.saveColorProfileName = null; // These flags control what the stack creator will and won't accept. // Defaults are for Merge to HDR this.mustBeSameSize = true; // Images' height & width must match this.mustBeUnmodifiedRaw = true; // Exposure adjustements in Camera raw are not allowed this.mustNotBe32Bit = true; // No 32 bit images this.mustNotBeSmartObj = true; // No smart objects this.mustNotBe3D = true; // No 3D } // Since hdrDocNum is not saved session to session, look at the open documents // and pick something that's higher than any other untitledName docs open. ImageStackCreator.prototype.newDocName = function () { var i; for (i = 0; i < app.documents.length; ++i) { var m = app.documents[i].name.match(eval( "/" + this.untitledName + "([0-9]+)/" )); if (m && m[1] > this.hdrDocNum) this.hdrDocNum = m[1]; } return this.untitledName + String(++this.hdrDocNum); } // Display alerts encountered while stacking files. // Note all warning text is prefixed with the pluginName ImageStackCreator.prototype.giveWarning = function( flag, warning, errorIcon ) { if (typeof(errorIcon) == "undefined") errorIcon = true; if (! this.gaveWarning[flag]) { alert( this.pluginName + localize(warning), this.pluginName, errorIcon ); this.gaveWarning[flag] = true; } } // Check the mode of the document to make sure it's compatible with the subclass ImageStackCreator.prototype.checkMode = function( doc ) { // Check for any changes introduced by Camera raw. Must // check here while we still have access to the document function hasCamRawChanges(doc) { function hasCRsetting(doc, tag) { var xmpStr = doc.xmpMetadata.rawData; var tagRE = eval( "/([-+\\d.]+)\s*([tTrufFalse]+)= 0; s--) { selectOneLayer( app.activeDocument, app.activeDocument.layers[s] ); if (! this.checkMode( app.activeDocument )) continue; if (this.mustBeSameSize && !compareLayerSize(app.activeDocument.activeLayer )) { alert(localize("$$$/AdobePlugin/Shared/ExposureMerge/Auto/SameSize=Images to be merged must be the same size"), this.pluginName, true ); continue; } var stackItem = new StackElement( app.activeDocument.layers[s] ); stackItem.setDocParams( app.activeDocument ); stackItem.setupXMPData(); stackItem.setupEXIFDataFromXMP(); this.stackElements.push( stackItem ); } if (this.stackElements.length < 2) { this.stackElements = null; return false; } else return true; } // Align the images in the stack. Override this if you need to customize it. ImageStackCreator.prototype.alignStack = function( stackDoc ) { // Tell it to extend the select to the next to the last // (last layer is the merge result, we don't want that selected) selectAllLayers(stackDoc, 2); alignLayersByContent(); } // Load the stack elements in this.stackElements into a layered document ImageStackCreator.prototype.loadStackLayers = function( stackBitsPerChannel ) { var bridgeFilesAlertGiven = false; var i; var colorDialogs = [kaskMismatchOpeningStr, kaskMismatchPastingStr, kaskMissingStr]; var dialogSettings = []; var colorSettingsName = null; // Note: in order to avoid dialogs poppping up, the color // dialogs are forced off function pushColorProfileDialogSettings() { colorSettingsName = getColorProfileDialogSetting( keyName, "String" ); var i; for (i in colorDialogs) { dialogSettings.push( getColorProfileDialogSetting( colorDialogs[i] ) ); setColorProfileDialogSetting( colorDialogs[i], false ); } } // Restore dialog settings function popColorProfileDialogSettings() { var i; for (i in colorDialogs) setColorProfileDialogSetting( colorDialogs[i], dialogSettings[i] ); if (colorSettingsName) setColorProfileDialogSetting( keyName, colorSettingsName, "String" ); } // Close everything before we bail out function shutdown(stackElemList) { var j; if (stackDoc) stackDoc.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES); for (j = 0; j < stackElemList.length; ++j) stackElemList[j].closeDocIfNotAlreadyOpen(); if (typeof(saveUnits) != 'undefined') app.preferences.rulerUnits = saveUnits; } function nullFileAlert(usingBridge, filename, pluginName) { if (usingBridge) { if (! bridgeFilesAlertGiven) { alert(localize("$$$/AdobePlugin/Shared/Exposuremerge/Auto/BRFileSkip=Some files selected in Bridge are not compatible and will be skipped"), pluginName ); bridgeFilesAlertGiven = true; } } else alert(localize("$$$/AdobePlugin/Shared/ExposureMerge/Auto/CantOpen=Unable to open file: ") + filename, pluginName ); } try { var stackDoc = null; this.stackDoc = null; // Reverse so layers match load order; (layers go from bottom to top) this.stackElements.reverse(); var firstDoc = this.stackElements[0].silentOpen( this.linearizeCamRawFiles, false ); // Ensure the first document is valid while ((firstDoc == null) || (! this.checkMode( firstDoc ))) { if (firstDoc == null) nullFileAlert( this.runningFromBridge, this.stackElements[0].fName, this.pluginName ); this.stackElements[0].closeDocIfNotAlreadyOpen(); this.stackElements = this.stackElements.slice(1); if (this.stackElements.length > 1) firstDoc = this.stackElements[0].silentOpen( this.linearizeCamRawFiles, false ); else break; } if (this.stackElements.length < 2) { shutdown(this.stackElements); return null; } // Work in pixels var saveUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits; app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; // Create the destination stack doc to resemble the first one. // If we "add" the document, we can't copy any custom color profiles; // so instead we duplicate it, and then throw away the contents. app.activeDocument = firstDoc; duplicateDocument( this.newDocName() ); if (this.checkForLightroomGlobals() && this.outputClonedFromFirstFile) { // Normally, the destination document is duplicated off of firstDoc. However, // if we're driven from Lightroom, firstDoc has all of the magic open/save param magic, // and we need that to be the destination document. So swap the two... stackDoc = firstDoc; firstDoc = app.activeDocument; this.stackElements[0].fPSDoc = firstDoc; app.activeDocument = stackDoc; } stackDoc = app.activeDocument; stackDoc.flatten(); stackDoc.activeLayer.isBackgroundLayer = false; stackDoc.activeLayer.clear(); stackDoc.selection.deselect(); // DOM bug - shouldn't need to do this. // The old ADM Photomerge filter plugin needs eight bit data,Lo // so if that's requested we force the stack to eight bits // and flag this. this.stackDepthChanged = false; if (typeof( stackBitsPerChannel ) == "undefined") stackBitsPerChannel = firstDoc.bitsPerChannel; else this.stackDepthChanged = firstDoc.bitsPerChannel != stackBitsPerChannel; stackDoc.bitsPerChannel = stackBitsPerChannel; stackDoc.layers[0].name = this.pluginName; // MergeToHDR may need this this.saveColorProfileType = firstDoc.colorProfileType; if ((this.saveColorProfileType == ColorProfile.CUSTOM) || (this.saveColorProfileType == ColorProfile.WORKING)) this.saveColorProfileName = firstDoc.colorProfileName; this.stackElements[0].stackLayer( stackDoc ); // firstDoc is closed and unavailable after this point for (i = 1; i < this.stackElements.length; ++i) { doc = this.stackElements[i].silentOpen( this.linearizeCamRawFiles, true ); if (doc == null) // Open failed { nullFileAlert( this.runningFromBridge, this.stackElements[i].fName, this.pluginName ); this.stackElements.splice(i,1); i -= 1; if (this.stackElements.length < 2) { shutdown(this.stackElements); return null; } continue; } // If the sizes change, bail if (this.mustBeSameSize) { if ((Number(doc.height) != Number(stackDoc.height)) || (Number(doc.width) != Number(stackDoc.width))) { alert(localize("$$$/AdobePlugin/Shared/ExposureMerge/Auto/SameSize=Images to be merged must be the same size"), this.pluginName, true ); shutdown(this.stackElements); return null; } } // Toss out any files we can't use. if (! this.checkMode( doc )) { this.stackElements[i].closeDocIfNotAlreadyOpen(); this.stackElements.splice(i,1); i -= 1; if (this.stackElements.length < 2) { shutdown(this.stackElements); return null; } continue; } // If the depth doesn't match the dest stack, fix the dest stack if ( (!this.stackDepthChanged) && (doc.bitsPerChannel == BitsPerChannelType.SIXTEEN) && (stackDoc.bitsPerChannel == BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT)) { app.activeDocument = stackDoc; stackDoc.bitsPerChannel = BitsPerChannelType.SIXTEEN; } // Extend the size of the stackDoc to hold the largest layer encountered // (need to do this as we go, because we haven't actually opened the docs until now) if ((this.stackElements[i].fWidth > stackDoc.width.as("px")) || (this.stackElements[i].fHeight > stackDoc.height.as("px"))) { var maxw = UnitValue( Math.max( this.stackElements[i].fWidth, stackDoc.width.as("px") ), "px" ); var maxh = UnitValue( Math.max( this.stackElements[i].fHeight,stackDoc.height.as("px") ), "px" ); app.activeDocument = stackDoc; app.activeDocument.resizeCanvas( maxw, maxh, AnchorPosition.TOPLEFT ); } pushColorProfileDialogSettings(); this.stackElements[i].stackLayer( stackDoc ); popColorProfileDialogSettings(); } if (this.useAlignment) { this.alignStack( stackDoc ); stackDoc.activeLayer = stackDoc.layers.getByName(this.pluginName); } } catch (err) { if (err.number == kErrTempDiskFull) { this.stackElements[0].scratchDiskFullAlert(); shutdown(this.stackElements); } else if (err.number == kUserCanceledError) shutdown(this.stackElements); return null; } app.preferences.rulerUnits = saveUnits; this.stackDoc = stackDoc; return stackDoc; } // Set up and call a filter plugin ImageStackCreator.prototype.invokeFilterPlugin = function( filterPluginID, showDialog ) { var args = new ActionDescriptor(); var i, j, pieceData = ''; // Collect the per-element metadata for (i in this.stackElements) pieceData += this.stackElements[i].fString; args.putString( app.charIDToTypeID('EmPs'), pieceData ); // Custom hook, defined in subclass, for passing additional parameters. this.customPluginArguments( args ); try { // Make the PS UI draw before throwing up a dialog. if (showDialog) app.refresh (); var result = executeAction( app.stringIDToTypeID( filterPluginID ), args, showDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO ); return result; } catch (err) { if (err.number != kUserCanceledError) // psUserCanceled, as found in CPsError.h, found in the ScriptingSupport plugin sources alert(err, this.pluginName, true ); return null; } return -1; // Should never get here } // Implement the dialog to collect the files to process. ImageStackCreator.prototype.stackDialog = function( dialogFilename ) { var w = latteUI( g_StackScriptFolderPath + dialogFilename ); var mergeFiles = new Array(); var fileSelectStr; var fileMenuItem = localize("$$$/Project/Exposuremerge/Files/Files=Files"); var folderMenuItem = localize("$$$/Project/Exposuremerge/Files/Folder=Folder"); var openFilesMenuItem = localize("$$$/Project/Exposuremerge/Files/Open=Open Files"); var openLayeredDocMenuItem = localize("$$$/Project/Exposuremerge/Files/Layered=Open Layered Document"); // We can't use this.useLayeredDocument because it's not visibile in // lexically scoped functions. var localUseLayeredDocument = false; function enableControls() { w.findControl w.findControl('_align').enabled = (mergeFiles.length > 1) || localUseLayeredDocument; w.findControl('_remove').enabled = (mergeFiles.length > 0) && w.findControl('_fileList').selection; w.findControl('_ok').enabled = (mergeFiles.length > 1) || localUseLayeredDocument; w.findControl('_browse').enabled = !localUseLayeredDocument; w.findControl('_addOpenDocs').enabled = !localUseLayeredDocument && (app.documents.length > 0); } function addFileToList(f) { var i; if (f == null) return; for (i in mergeFiles) if (f.toString() == mergeFiles[i].file.toString()) // Already in list? return; // Windows - use filter to skip evil sidecar files if ((File.fs == "Windows") && !winFileSelection( f )) return; var fileList = w.findControl('_fileList'); fileList.add('item', File.decode(f.name) ); mergeFiles.push(new StackElement(f)); } // Dialog event handling routines function removeOnClick() { var i, s; var selList = w.findControl('_fileList').selection; for (s in selList) { for (i in mergeFiles) if (File.decode(mergeFiles[i].file.name) == selList[s].text) { mergeFiles.splice(i,1); break; } w.findControl('_fileList').remove(selList[s]); } enableControls(); } function browseOnClick() { // Spring back to the "File..." menu item var menu = w.findControl('_source'); // menu.items[0].selected = true; switch (menu.selection.text) { case fileMenuItem: { var i, filenames = photoshopFileOpenDialog(); if (filenames.length) { if (File.fs == "Macintosh") // Mac gratiuitously scrambles them...why? filenames.sort(); for (i in filenames) addFileToList( File(filenames[i]) ); } break; } case folderMenuItem: { var folder = Folder.selectDialog(localize('$$$/AdobePlugin/Exposuremerge/FolderSelect=Select folder')); if (folder) { fileList = folder.getFiles( $.os.match(/^Macintosh.*/) ? macFileSelection : winFileSelection ); var f; for (f in fileList) addFileToList(fileList[f]); } break; } } enableControls(); return; } function addOpenDocuments() { var gaveUnsavedWarning = false; // doc.saved is true when a new empty document is created. function isReallySaved( doc ) { if (! doc.saved) return false; try { var n = doc.fullName; } catch (err) // Mainly for err.number == 8103, error.message == "The document has not yet been saved" { // But if anything else goes wrong, we still don't want it. return false; } return true; } var i, haveUnsavedDocuments = false; for (i = 0; i < app.documents.length; i++) if (isReallySaved(app.documents[i])) addFileToList( File( app.documents[i].fullName ) ); else haveUnsavedDocuments = true; if (haveUnsavedDocuments && !gaveUnsavedWarning) { alert(localize('$$$/AdobePlugin/Exposuremerge/Mustsave=Documents must be saved before they can be merged')); gaveUnsavedWarning = true; w.findControl('_source').items[0].selected = true; } enableControls(); } function sourceMenuOnChange() { var menu = w.findControl('_source'); localUseLayeredDocument = false; switch (menu.selection.text) { case fileMenuItem: break; // default case folderMenuItem: break; case openFilesMenuItem: addOpenDocuments(); break; case openLayeredDocMenuItem: w.findControl('_fileList').removeAll(); mergeFiles = []; localUseLayeredDocument = true; } enableControls(); } function listOnChange() { enableControls(); } w.center(); w.text = this.pluginName; if (this.introText) w.findControl('_intro').text = this.introText; // Set up source menu var menu = w.findControl('_source'); menu.add( 'item', fileMenuItem ); menu.add( 'item', folderMenuItem ); // The "addOpenDocs" button was added at the last moment. If it's // there, then use that in favor of the menu. var addOpenDocsButton = w.findControl('_addOpenDocs'); // Really, you want to disable the menu, but that's not possible w/ScriptUI if (app.documents.length > 0 && !addOpenDocsButton) menu.add( 'item', openFilesMenuItem ); // If we have multiple layers, we can load from that. if (this.allowLayeredDocument && (app.documents.length > 0) && (app.activeDocument.layers.length > 1)) menu.add( 'item', openLayeredDocMenuItem ); menu.items[0].selected = true; menu.preferredSize.width = 214; // Brute force fix for PR1355780 this.customDialogSetup( w ); var fileSelection; w.findControl('_browse').onClick = browseOnClick; w.findControl('_fileList').onChange = listOnChange; w.findControl('_remove').onClick = removeOnClick; w.findControl('_source').onChange = sourceMenuOnChange; if (this.hideAlignment) w.findControl('_align').visible = false; w.findControl('_align').value = this.useAlignment; if (addOpenDocsButton) { addOpenDocsButton.onClick = addOpenDocuments; addOpenDocsButton.enabled = app.documents.length > 0; } else addOpenDocuments(); // If we already have stackElements (e.g., from Bridge) add them if (this.stackElements) { for (i in this.stackElements) addFileToList( this.stackElements[i].file ); } enableControls(); var result = w.show(); if (result != kCanceled) { if (! this.hideAlignment) this.useAlignment = w.findControl('_align').value; this.customDialogFunction( w ); if (localUseLayeredDocument) { this.useLayeredDocument = true; if (this.createStackFromLayeredDoc()) { if (this.useAlignment) this.alignStack( app.activeDocument ); return this.stackElements; } else return null; } if (result == kFilesFromPMLoad) return this.stackElements; // Already loaded by photomerge.loadCompositionClick() else return mergeFiles } else { // Strange fix for PS problem where a cancel out of file selection & this dialog would // leave most of the Photoshop menus disabled. if (File.fs == "Macintosh") app.bringToFront(); return null; } } // Bridge voodoo taken from Ruark's code ImageStackCreator.prototype.checkForBridgeFiles = function() { try { this.filesFromBridge = gFilesFromBridge; this.runningFromBridge = (this.filesFromBridge.length > 0); app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO; return this.runningFromBridge; } catch( e ) { this.runningFromBridge = false; this.filesFromBridge = undefined; } return false; } ImageStackCreator.prototype.checkForLightroomFiles = function() { try { this.filesFromBridge = gFilesFromLightroom; this.runningFromBridge = (this.filesFromBridge.length > 0); app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO; return this.runningFromBridge; } catch( e ) { this.runningFromBridge = false; this.filesFromBridge = undefined; } return false; } ImageStackCreator.prototype.checkForLightroomGlobals = function() { return ((typeof(gFilesFromLightroom) != "undefined" && gFilesFromLightroom) && (gFilesFromLightroom.length > 0) && (this.stackElements && this.stackElements.length > 0) && (typeof(gLightroomDocID) != "undefined" && gLightroomDocID) && (gLightroomDocID.length > 0)); } ImageStackCreator.prototype.getFilesFromBridgeOrDialog = function( dialogFile, preloadDialogFromBridge ) { this.stackElements = null; if (typeof(preloadDialogFromBridge) == "undefined") preloadDialogFromBridge = false; if (this.checkForBridgeFiles() || this.checkForLightroomFiles()) { this.stackElements = new Array(); var j; for (j in this.filesFromBridge) if ( isValidImageFile( this.filesFromBridge[j] ) ) this.stackElements.push( new StackElement( this.filesFromBridge[j] )); if (this.stackElements.length < 2) { alert(this.pluginName + localize("$$$/AdobePlugin/Shared/Exposuremerge/Auto/NeedAtLeast2= needs at least two files selected."), this.pluginName, true ); this.stackElements = null; return; } } if ((this.stackElements == null) || preloadDialogFromBridge) this.stackElements = this.stackDialog( dialogFile ); // Add LightroomDocID's if ((this.stackElements != null) && (this.checkForLightroomGlobals())) { // We want to add the LR "open magic" to the last file, because // the list gets reversed in the stack dialog (because that'll match layer order). // I.e., the "last" file now becomes the "first" file in the stack, // and that's the one the final saved output is going to. var lastElem = this.stackElements.length - 1; if ((typeof(gLightroomDocID) != "undefined")) this.stackElements[lastElem].fLightroomDocID = gLightroomDocID; if (typeof(gLightroomSaveParams) != "undefined") this.stackElements[lastElem].fLightroomSaveParams = gLightroomSaveParams; if (typeof(gBridgeTalkID) != "undefined") this.stackElements[lastElem].fLightroomBridgeTalkID = gBridgeTalkID; // Check for additional lightroom meta-data that applies to all the images if ((typeof(gOpenParamsFromLightroom) != "undefined") && gOpenParamsFromLightroom && (gOpenParamsFromLightroom.length == this.stackElements.length)) { for (j in gOpenParamsFromLightroom) this.stackElements[j].fLightroomOpenParams = gOpenParamsFromLightroom[j]; } } }